Getting Started If reading these pages has convinced you that you ought to try and re-assess your attitude to your own children then you have a problem. You are a pioneer. I don't think there can be more than a few thousand people in the world who are convinced of the ideas I have put forward. Some of these will be children - boys and girls - who have been fortunate enough to be pupils at Osho Ko Hsuan School. Ninety nine point nine percent of the rest will be friends and disciples of Osho Rajneesh. There must be a small minority of people unconnected with Osho who believes something is wrong! There is almost nothing you can read that will help. If you search Osho's discourses you will find his suggestions about children. If you write to Osho Ko Hsuan they may still have a copy of 'The New Child' to sell you. The book is a collection of Osho's suggestions. You may meet Sannyasins - disciples of Osho. You can visit the links I have provided. They may be helpful. Reading Osho's printed discourses will give you a taste of a different out look on life. You can visit the school where you will get the taste of a different sort of child. Basically you are on your own. What you want to do is just common sense, but the weight of your/our conditioning makes very difficult to see common sense as a practical way to go. Meditation will be a great help. Examine your life. Do you want to do for your children what your parents did for you?