The idea that personal freedoms are being infringed on such a colossal scale is a startling thought. Osho is not speaking of child labour, or child prostitution. He is speaking about ordinary children in ordinary homes. How would you like it if you were treated like a possession, not trusted or respected, and your life was exploited? It sounds awful. Most children are in just that situation. Most parents believe children are born to be reformed. That is to say they have to be turned in acceptable citizens. All the world's parents take it for granted that unless they do this for their children, those children will not succeed. This ancient attitude is so much under our nose that we never question it. I think that most of us, if we are honest, will remember times when we felt ill done by as children. How we were obliged to accept things that went against our natural inclination. We had no option but to surrender. Our parents were everything to us. We needed their love, shelter and food. We loved them totally and accepted everything.
Over the years the examples of mistrust, the lack of respect -- the simple rudeness -- build up. Children learn that their parents are inconsistent, that they can be managed. The love and dependence remains, but the respect begins to diminish. Everyone with a question about life will remember how and to what degree these things happened to him or her. What is certain is that many children give up trying to conform; they rebel. Parents don't see it like that. They wonder why their child has suddenly started refusing his food at meal times. Why the child has become secretive, or starts thieving, to mention only a couple of the myriad ways that children have to show their resentment and anger. If you ask a child why they are angry, they can't tell you because the origins go way back, before speech.
Animals are born instinctively perfect. They have no future. Man is born as a seed, as a potential. Man has a future. Education is the bridge between the seed and the possibility. Life has provided each child with the means to achieve it's potential so long as it is fed and sheltered. In times long gone, childhood as we have it was unknown. As soon as a boy was able, he helped his father in the workshop learning his father's trade. A daughter would help her mother and learn her household skills. In those days children were needed. Parents gave them their education. Although strictly speaking exploitation existed, it was not the disaster we have today. The children got value from their parents. Parents were respected if only for their work and the skills they passed on. The industrial revolution, which began to take the work place away from the family, changed everything. Today, children's education is totally removed from parents. The media, schools, and other children may have greater influence. Parents have no skills to teach their children and the love they offer is as conditional as ever. The situation for children is so bad that extreme examples have made child rapists, muggers, even murderers a commonplace. The rate of change in the world is continuing, probably accelerating. Cloning is happening; genetically engineered babies are on the way. Digital television and the Internet are here. It is quite impractical to ask our children to have an opinion on these modern miracles on the basis of the old values. They need to be allowed to form their own value systems. Their responsibility should be the ability to respond to every situation from their own, natural, intelligence.